


Kurz M, Belani KG, Sessler DI, Kurz A, Larson MD, Schroeder M, Blanchard D


麻醉学。1993 12月;79(6):1193-201。doi: 10.1097 / 00000542-199312000-00009。

PubMed ID
8267194 (PubMed视图

背景:据报道,与等镇痛剂量的吗啡(一种几乎纯的阿片受体激动剂)相比,能结合mu和kappa阿片受体的哌嗪在治疗寒颤方面更有效。此外,布托啡诺,一种kappa受体激动剂/拮抗剂,比芬太尼更好地治疗颤抖,芬太尼主要结合mu受体。这些数据表明,哌替啶的许多特殊抗冻活性可能是由其kappa活性介导的。因此,作者验证了以下假设:低剂量纳洛酮(阻断大多数mu-受体)将最低限度地损害哌嗪的抗寒颤活性,但高剂量纳洛酮(阻断所有mu和大多数kappa受体)将在很大程度上阻止哌嗪的抗寒颤活性。方法:12名志愿者每人参加2天。两日均以中心静脉输注冷液诱发寒战。20分钟后,6名志愿者在一天内接受了安慰剂输注生理盐水,或输注0.5微克。kg-1。另一种是Min-1盐酸纳洛酮(“低剂量”,旨在阻断mu受体)。第二组6名志愿者在一天内注射生理盐水,或者注射11.5微克/公斤的盐酸纳洛酮,然后注射5微克.公斤-1的纳洛酮。Min-1(“高剂量”,旨在阻断mu和kappa受体)。在整个研究过程中,持续输液。治疗天数的顺序(生理盐水和纳洛酮)是随机分配的,研究是双盲的。 Fifteen minutes after the test infusion was started, all 12 volunteers were given an intravenous bolus of 1 mg/kg meperidine hydrochloride. Pupillary diameter and light reflex amplitude were used to quantify opioid-receptor agonist activity; shivering intensity was evaluated using oxygen consumption. RESULTS: Administration of naloxone alone did not alter oxygen consumption, pupil size, or the pupillary light reflex. No pupillary constriction was detected in either group when naloxone and meperidine were combined; in contrast, meperidine alone decreased pupil size and amplitude of the light reflex 30%. The meperidine bolus decreased oxygen consumption nearly to control values when the volunteers were given saline placebo. Combined administration of meperidine and low-dose naloxone also significantly reduced oxygen consumption, but the reduction and the duration of the reduction was less than during saline. When the volunteers were given high-dose naloxone, meperidine only slightly reduced oxygen consumption, and the values rapidly returned to premeperidine levels. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that the antishivering property of meperidine is not fully mediated by mu-receptors. Although meperidine has well-known nonopioid actions, stimulation of kappa receptors seems a likely alternative explanation for much of the drug's antishivering action.


药物 目标 种类 生物 药理作用 行动
哌替啶 kappa型阿片受体 蛋白质 人类
不可用 细节