


舒克拉高清,Sharma SK


暴击Microbiol牧师。2005;31 (1):11 - 8。

PubMed ID
15839401 (在PubMed

肉毒梭状芽胞杆菌,一种革兰氏阳性,厌氧细菌孢子形成,是杰出的重要临床应用以及它可能被用来作为生物恐怖剂。增长细胞分泌肉毒神经毒素(肉毒毒素),所有已知的最毒的毒药。虽然肉毒毒素是致命的病原体neuroparalytic肉毒中毒,它也是一个非常有效的治疗不随意肌疾病如睑痉挛,斜视,半面痉挛,某些类型的儿童痉挛状态,和其他疾病。肉毒毒素也被运用于美容治疗眉间的线,和著名的肉毒杆菌和Dysport活性成分的抗衰老药物。此外,最近的报告显示,肉毒神经毒素可以用作制药药物传输的工具。然而,肉毒毒素仍然最致命的毒素,生物研究人员被视为一个可能的生物恐怖主义(BT)的代理。必威国际app在七种血清型,c .肉毒型负责肉毒中毒死亡率最高,因此最有可能作为生物武器。肉毒基因组测序的C型霍尔拉伤(写明ATCC 3502)现在已经完成,并显示基因组大小3.89 Mb, G + C含量约28.2%。细菌港口16.3 kb质粒G + C含量为26.8%,略低于的染色体。大多数c .肉毒杆菌毒力因素是染色体编码; bioinformatic analysis of the genome sequence has shown that the plasmid does not harbor toxin genes or genes for related virulence factors. Interestingly, the plasmid does harbor genes essential to replication, including dnaE, which encodes the alpha subunit of DNA polymerase III which has close similarity with its counterpart in C. perfringens strain 13. The plasmid also contains similar genes to those that encode the ABC-type multidrug transport ATPase, and permease. The presence of ABC-type multidrug transport ATPase, and permease suggests putative involvement of efflux pumps in bacteriocin production, modification, and export in C. botulinum. The C. botulinum plasmid additionally harbors genes for LambdaBa04 prophage and site-specific recombinase that are similar to those found in the Ames strain of Bacillus anthracis; these genes and their products may play a role in genomic rearrangement. Completion of genome sequencing for C. botulinum will provide an opportunity to design genomic and proteomic-based systems for detecting different serotypes of C. botulinum strains in the environment. The completed sequence may also facilitate identification of potential virulence factors and drug targets, as well as help characterize neurotoxin-complexing proteins, their polycistronic expression, and phylogenetic relationships between different serotypes.

