


Emmelkamp JM, Rockstroh JK


欧元J地中海研究》2007年10月15日,12(9):409 - 17所示。

PubMed ID
17933722 (在PubMed

上下文中的新兴抗艾滋病毒抗逆转录病毒药物医学、新药的开发类小说的作用机制仍然是至关重要的。CCR5受体拮抗剂抑制艾滋病毒与宿主细胞的融合通过阻断病毒糖蛋白gp - 120之间的交互和CCR5趋化因子受体。到目前为止,四个CCR5拮抗剂已进入临床评估,其中3例目前仍在不同阶段的临床评估。综述我们比较阶段I和II的临床疗效以及长期的耐受性,药物动力学和交互的新艾滋病毒抗逆转录病毒药物进入实践。成为第一个CCR5拮抗剂调查在临床试验中,aplaviroc显示初始强有力的抗病毒活性。然而,在一些病人严重的肝毒性的发生之后,其发展必须停止在2005年10月。maraviroc第二CCR5拮抗剂,有前景的结果显示在第一阶段,第二和第三的研究,显示艾滋病毒RNA和CD4细胞显著更大的下降增加与安慰剂相比,无临床相关的安全性和耐受性的差异。maraviroc的扩大提供程序是在欧洲多个国家开设了2007年6月。美国食品药品管理局批准使用maraviroc抗逆转录病毒治疗的艾滋病毒在8月7日,2007年。最后,第三CCR5拮抗剂vicriviroc还显示长期有效的病毒活动第二阶段研究只要是提高低剂量例如没有显著差异的3、4年级的不利影响与安慰剂相比。 The phase II clinical trial amongst ART experienced individuals who received Ritonavir-boosted vicriviroc 10-15 mg qd was unblinded early because of the unexpected occurrence of malignant lymphoma and adenoma. However, no further malignancies occurred in the extended follow-up evaluation of this drug until today. Vicriviroc is currently entering phase III evaluation. Pharmacokinetics of maraviroc and vicriviroc may be influenced by coadministration of CYP3A4-inhibitors and -inducers, since both substances are metabolised primarily by the CYP3A4 system. This requires dose adjustments when combined with for instance protease inhibitors (with the exception of tipranavir/r), efavirenz, ketoconazole or rifampin. Concerns have risen about possible class-specific long-term adverse effects of CCR5 antagonists, particularly with regard to hepatotoxicity or malignancy. The pooled data from phase II and III however, so far show no new or added toxicity risk for maraviroc or vicriviroc compared to the respective placebo arms of the trials. Extended follow-up of the vicriviroc trials showed no further case of malignancy, reassuring the overall good tolerability profile of the drug so far.

