Hydroxyurea induces hydroxyl radical-mediated cell death in Escherichia coli.

Article Details


Davies BW, Kohanski MA, Simmons LA, Winkler JA, Collins JJ, Walker GC

Hydroxyurea induces hydroxyl radical-mediated cell death in Escherichia coli.

Mol Cell. 2009 Dec 11;36(5):845-60. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2009.11.024.

PubMed ID
20005847 [View in PubMed

Hydroxyurea (HU) specifically inhibits class I ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), depleting dNTP pools and leading to replication fork arrest. Although HU inhibition of RNR is well recognized, the mechanism by which it leads to cell death remains unknown. To investigate the mechanism of HU-induced cell death, we used a systems-level approach to determine the genomic and physiological responses of E. coli to HU treatment. Our results suggest a model by which HU treatment rapidly induces a set of protective responses to manage genomic instability. Continued HU stress activates iron uptake and toxins MazF and RelE, whose activity causes the synthesis of incompletely translated proteins and stimulation of envelope stress responses. These effects alter the properties of one of the cell's terminal cytochrome oxidases, causing an increase in superoxide production. The increased superoxide production, together with the increased iron uptake, fuels the formation of hydroxyl radicals that contribute to HU-induced cell death.

DrugBank Data that Cites this Article

Drug Targets
Drug Target Kind Organism Pharmacological Action Actions
Hydroxyurea Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit Protein Humans
Name UniProt ID
Ferrichrome-iron receptor P06971 Details
Iron(3+)-hydroxamate-binding protein FhuD P07822 Details
Fe(3+) dicitrate transport protein FecA P13036 Details
Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 1 subunit beta P69924 Details
DNA polymerase III subunit beta P0A988 Details
Cell division protein ZipA P77173 Details
Protein TonB P02929 Details
DNA polymerase IV Q47155 Details
Protein RecA P0A7G6 Details