颅内交付直接cintredekin besudotox (IL13-PE38QQR)在复发性恶性神经胶质瘤:的一份报告cintredekin besudotox Intraparenchymal学习小组。



医学博士Kunwar年代,普拉多张SM,伯杰女士,朗FF, Piepmeier JM,桑普森JH, Ram Z, Gutin PH值,长臂猿RD, Aldape KD, Croteau DJ,谢尔曼JW, RK宫

颅内交付直接cintredekin besudotox (IL13-PE38QQR)在复发性恶性神经胶质瘤:的一份报告cintredekin besudotox Intraparenchymal学习小组。

肿瘤防治杂志。2007年3月1;25 (7):837 - 44。

PubMed ID
17327604 (在PubMed

目的:多形性胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)是一个毁灭性的脑瘤,平均6个月后复发的生存。Cintredekin besudotox (CB)是一个重组蛋白组成的interleukin-13 (IL-13)和截短形式的假单胞菌外毒素(PE38QQR)。Convection-enhanced交付(CED)是一个locoregional-administration方法导致high-tissue与大量的浓度分布。我们评估颅内CED交付使用CB复发性恶性神经胶质瘤患者(毫克)。患者和方法:三期临床研究评估颅内CED CB和肿瘤切除。主要目标是评估各种浓度和注入时间的耐受性;组织分布;和优化的方法交付。所有患者接受肿瘤切除之后,一个intraparenchymal注入(除了intraparenchymal切除后),有一部分患者preresection瘤内注入。结果:共有51例MG患者治疗包括46 GBM患者。 The maximum tolerated intraparenchymal concentration was 0.5 microg/mL and tumor necrosis was observed at this concentration. Infusion durations of up to 6 days were well tolerated. Postoperative catheter placement appears to be important for optimal drug distribution. CB- and procedure-related adverse events were primarily limited to the CNS. Overall median survival for GBM patients is 42.7 weeks and 55.6 weeks for patients with optimally positioned catheters with patient follow-up extending beyond 5 years. CONCLUSION: CB appears to have a favorable risk-benefit profile. CED is a complex delivery method requiring catheter placement via a second procedure to achieve accurate catheter positioning, better drug distribution, and better outcome.

