


弗朗哥哦,Chowdhury R,特鲁普J, Voortman T, Kunutsor年代,Kavousi M, Oliver-Williams C, Muka T


《美国医学协会杂志》上。2016年6月21日,315 (23):2554 - 63。doi: 10.1001 / jama.2016.8012。

PubMed ID
27327802 (在PubMed

重要性:40%至50%的女性在西方国家使用补充疗法来管理更年期症状。目的:确定协会的植物性治疗更年期症状,包括潮热、盗汗、阴道干涩。数据来源:电子数据库奥维德MEDLINE、EMBASE,和Cochrane中央系统搜索来确定合格的研究发表在3月27日之前,2016年。必威国际app引用的列表包括研究寻找进一步识别的相关研究。必威国际app研究选择:随机临床试验,评估植物性治疗和潮热,盗汗,阴道干涩。数据提取:数据提取由2个独立评论家使用一个预先设计数据收集形式。主要结果和措施:潮热、盗汗、阴道干涩。结果:总共62项研究,包括6653个独立的女性。植物雌激素的使用与日常的数量减少潮热(池平均差的变化,-1.31(95%可信区间,-2.02 - -0.61))和阴道干涩分数(池平均差的变化,-0.31(95%可信区间,-0.52 - -0.10))治疗组之间的数量而不是盗汗(池平均差的变化,-2.14(95%可信区间,-5.57 - 1.29))。个别植物雌激素干预措施,诸如饮食和补充大豆异黄酮与改善相关日常潮热(池平均差的变化,-0.79[-1.35 - -0.23])和阴道干涩得分(-0.26池平均差的变化,[-0.48 - -0.04])。 Several herbal remedies, but not Chinese medicinal herbs, were associated with an overall decrease in the frequency of vasomotor symptoms. There was substantial heterogeneity in quality across the available studies, and 46 (74%) of the included randomized clinical trials demonstrated a high risk of bias within 3 or more areas of study quality. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: This meta-analysis of clinical trials suggests that composite and specific phytoestrogen supplementations were associated with modest reductions in the frequency of hot flashes and vaginal dryness but no significant reduction in night sweats. However, because of general suboptimal quality and the heterogeneous nature of the current evidence, further rigorous studies are needed to determine the association of plant-based and natural therapies with menopausal health.

