


Spieker C



PubMed ID
9660522 (在PubMed

四个多中心试验研究了治疗的疗效和耐受性,每日一次,modified-release barnidipine胶囊,长效dihydropyridine钙拮抗剂,轻到中度原发性高血压患者。在两个试验中,barnidipine的临床资料与氨氯地平和nitrendipine相比,属于同一类药物作为barnidipine,随机,双盲,与这些相应平行的组织方式。在一项研究中,37名患者接受氨氯地平,79名患者接受barnidipine。在另一项研究中,46名患者接受nitrendipine和96年收到barnidipine。在每个试验中,四周安慰剂试车阶段之后,12周比较阶段。坐着和站着的变化收缩压舒张压和评估,和不良事件被记录了下来。这两项研究证明的降压疗效barnidipine相当于每个比较器代理,但barnidipine倾向于产生更少的课我的不良反应。的长期疗效和安全性barnidipine被证明在一个开放研究。总共106例患者随访研究的第一年,在此期间他们收到barnidipine剂量滴定实现坐不到90毫米汞柱的舒张压;如果有必要,添加另一个抗高血压药是为了实现血压正常化。 Seventy-nine of these patients, most of whom were maintained on barnidipine monotherapy, were followed for a second year, and 32 patients, all of whom received barnidipine monotherapy throughout the study period, were followed for a third year. Blood pressure normalization after 1 year of follow-up was achieved in 91% of patients, and was maintained for the second and third years in 91% and 81% of patients, respectively. The incidence of adverse events, possibly or probably attributable to barnidipine, was 22%, 14% and 3%, respectively, during each successive year. The suitability of barnidipine for once-daily dosing was confirmed in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study of 20 patients. These patients were given 6-week regimens of both barnidipine (20 mg) and placebo, preceding 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Barnidipine lowered blood pressure to a significantly greater extent than placebo both at night and during the day. These studies suggest that barnidipine possesses equivalent efficacy to amlodipine and nitrendipine, but produces fewer class-specific side-effects. It provides 24-h efficacy from a once-daily dosing regimen, and this efficacy and its safety profile are maintained for at least 3 years.

