最初的经验与放射性示踪剂anti-1-amino-3-18F-fluorocyclobutane-1-carboxylic酸与PET / CT在前列腺癌。



舒斯特尔DM、小Votaw Nieh PT,于W,奈杰,主人V,鲍曼FD, Issa MM,古德曼毫米

最初的经验与放射性示踪剂anti-1-amino-3-18F-fluorocyclobutane-1-carboxylic酸与PET / CT在前列腺癌。

J诊断地中海。2007年1月,48 (1):56 - 63。

PubMed ID
17204699 (在PubMed

未标记的:传统的成像技术检测有严重的局限性,过渡和前列腺癌的复发。Anti-1-amino-3 (18) F-fluorocyclobutane-1-carboxylic酸(反(18)F-FACBC)是一种具有良好的体外合成l-leucine模拟吸收在du - 145细胞系前列腺癌和orthotopically植入在裸大鼠前列腺肿瘤。几乎没有肾排泄而F-FDG (18)。摘要本研究以反(18)F-FACBC吸收新诊断的患者和前列腺癌复发。方法:15最近诊断前列腺癌患者(n = 9)或疑似复发(n = 6)进行了65分钟的动态PET / CT骨盆静脉注射后300 - 410兆贝可反(18)F-FACBC其次是静态的身体形象。每个研究是定性和定量评估。最大标准摄入值被记录在前列腺癌或前列腺床上,并在淋巴结在4.5分钟(早期)和20分钟(延迟),并与临床、影像和病理。时间曲线也为良性和恶性组织生成。结果:在8新诊断前列腺癌患者进行动态扫描,视觉分析正确地确定了焦肿瘤介入的存在与否40 48前列腺六分仪。盆腔淋巴结状态与反(18)F-FACBC发现7 9例,不确定的2 9。 In all 4 patients in whom there was proven recurrence, visual analysis was successful in identifying disease (1 prostate bed, 3 extraprostatic). In 3 of these patients, (111)In-capromab-pendetide had no significant uptake at nodal and skeletal foci. Malignant lymph node uptake in both the staging and restaging patients was significantly higher than benign nodal uptake. Though uptake faded with time, in all 6 patients with either lymph node metastases or recurrent prostate bed carcinoma, there was intense persistent uptake at 65 min. CONCLUSION: Anti-(18)F-FACBC is a promising radiotracer for imaging prostate carcinoma. Radiotracer uptake was demonstrated in primary and metastatic disease. Future research should investigate the mechanism of radiotracer uptake in normal and pathologic tissue and develop a clinical imaging strategy for initial staging and restaging.

