


史密斯泰勒年代,Tudur C,威廉姆森的公关,马森AG)



PubMed ID
11687150 (在PubMed

背景:在世界范围内,苯巴比妥和苯妥英是常用的抗癫痫药物。他们更有可能被用于发展中国家比发达国家,主要因为他们是廉价的。本综述的目的是总结现有比较苯巴比妥和苯妥英临床试验的数据。目的:评估苯巴比妥和苯妥英相比的影响作为单一疗法在广义tonic-clonic癫痫部分发作癫痫患者或有或没有其他广义发作类型。必威国际app搜索策略:我们的搜索策略包括:a) MEDLINE 1966年到1998年,b)的对照试验注册Cochrane图书馆,c)手动搜索相关的期刊,d)制药业,e)人员。选择标准:随机对照试验和部分发作癫痫儿童或成人或广义tonic-clonic癫痫发作。试验必须包括苯巴比妥的比较单一疗法与苯妥英单药治疗。数据收集和分析:这是一个个体患者数据审查。结果时间分配)撤出治疗,b) 12月缓解,c)首次发作后随机化。数据分析使用分层logrank分析结果表示为风险比率(人力资源)和95%置信区间(95% CI),一个人力资源> 1表示一个事件更可能发生之前比苯妥英苯巴比妥。 MAIN RESULTS: To date, data have been obtained for four of ten studies meeting the inclusion criteria, amounting to 599 patients, or approximately 65% of the potential data. The main overall results (HR, 95% CI) were: a) time to treatment withdrawal 1.62 (1.22 to 2.14), b) time to 12 month remission 0.93 (0.70 to 1.23), c) time to first seizure 0.84 (0.68 to 1.05). These results indicate a statistically significant clinical advantage for phenytoin in terms of treatment withdrawal and a non-significant advantage in terms of 12 month remission. Results for time to first seizure suggest a non-significant clinical advantage for phenobarbitone. REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: The results of this review favour phenytoin over phenobarbitone, as phenobarbitone was significantly more likely to be withdrawn than phenytoin. Given that no significant differences for seizure outcomes were found, the higher withdrawal rate with phenobarbitone may be due to side effects.

