


Pelletier JP,所说D, Reboul P, Mineau F,费尔南德斯JC, Sabouret P, Martel-Pelletier J


J Rheumatol。2001年4月,28 (4):814 - 24。

PubMed ID
11327257 (在PubMed

目的:尽管软骨退化特征骨关节炎(OA),有证据表明,软骨下骨的重塑这种疾病是一个因素。治疗策略修改软骨下骨成骨细胞的新陈代谢可能暗示治疗OA。我们研究的影响diacerein和大黄酸的代谢和炎症变量OA软骨下骨母细胞。方法:人类主要OA软骨下成骨细胞细胞。diacerein和大黄酸在治疗浓度的影响(5 - 20 microg /毫升)是由成骨细胞表型决定因素,碱性磷酸酶、骨钙素、和营;对代谢代理尿激酶纤溶酶原激活物(uPA)、纤溶酶原激活物inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)和胰岛素样生长因子- 1 (igf - 1);和炎症介质白介素6 (il - 6)、前列腺素E2 (PGE2)和cyclooxygenase-2 (cox - 2)。结果:Diacerein和大黄酸并不影响基底,25 (OH) 2 d3诱导碱性磷酸酶或甲状旁腺激素(素刺激阵营的形成。相反,他们剂量依赖性和统计抑制1,25 (OH) 2 d3诱导骨钙素的释放,一种情况解释为减少骨钙素mRNA水平。的代谢因素,抑制生产uPA、大黄酸显示稍微效力; inhibitions of 69% and 57% were reached at the highest concentration (20 microg/ml) of rhein and diacerein, respectively. Both drugs also inhibited the PAI-1 level, albeit at a much lower level than for uPA. Interestingly, determination of the uPA/PAI1 ratio revealed that both drugs inhibited it about 55%, suggesting a decrease in uPA activity. In contrast, IGF-1 levels only increased slightly when cells were treated with rhein but not with diacerein. A transient dose dependent effect was found on IL-6 production; an inhibition was noted at low drug concentrations, which returned to basal levels at the highest concentration tested. PGE2 levels increased exponentially and were related to a concomitant increase in COX-2 levels in response to both drugs. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that diacerein and rhein do not appear to affect OA subchondral bone cells' basal cellular metabolism, yet both agents reveal a direct effect at reducing the synthetic activities of osteoblasts, which could be responsible for abnormal subchondral bone remodeling occurring during the course of OA.

