


施密特助教,Bundgaard H,奥尔森霍奇金淋巴瘤,双曲正割NH Kjeldsen K


Cardiovasc研究》1995年4月,29(4):506 - 11所示。

PubMed ID
7796444 (在PubMed

目的:目的是评估数字化的心力衰竭患者是否影响extrarenal钾处理期间和之后锻炼,并评估地高辛人类骨骼肌体内受体入住率。配对研究的方法:数字化之前和之后,十次充血性心力衰竭患者接受相同的运动组成的三次提高工作率,41 - 93 W,周期测力计。最后一次随访运动疲劳。股血管和肱动脉catheterised。腿动脉血压、心率、血流量、心输出量、血浆钾、血红蛋白、pH值、骨骼肌受体与地高辛入住率活检确定。结果:骨骼肌Na / K-ATPase与地高辛的入住率为9% (P < 0.05)。随着数字化股静脉血浆钾增加了0.2 - -0.3更易。litre-1 (P < 0.05)工作的69 W、93 W,疲惫,以及复苏的第一次3分钟。数字化后的股venoarterial血浆钾增加了50 - 100%的差异(P < 0.05)在运动过程中,减少了66 - 75%在早期恢复(P < 0.05)。全损的钾腿增加了138%。 The effects of digitalisation on plasma potassium were not the outcome of changes in haemodynamics, because cardiac output and leg blood flow increased by up to 13% and 19% (P < 0.05), nor was it the outcome of changes in haemoconcentration or pH. CONCLUSIONS: Extrarenal potassium handling is altered as a result of digoxin treatment. This is likely to reflect a reduced capacity of skeletal muscle Na/K-ATPase for active potassium uptake because of inhibition by digoxin, adding to the reduction of skeletal muscle Na/K-ATPase concentration induced by heart failure per se. In heart failure patients, improved haemodynamics induced by digoxin may, however, increase the capacity for physical conditioning. Thus the impairment of extrarenal potassium homeostasis by heart failure and digoxin treatment may be counterbalanced by training.

