




Pharmacokinet。1977; 1 - 2月2 (1):1 - 16。doi: 10.2165 / 00003088-197702010-00001。

PubMed ID

大约70 - 80%的口服剂量地高辛的吸收,主要在近端小肠的一部分。的程度与血清白蛋白结合是20到30%。地高辛是广泛分布于组织,所反映出的大量分布。高浓度在心脏和肾脏,但骨骼肌最大的地高辛的存储形式。消除半衰期的健康的人26岁和45小时之间变化。消除的主要路线是地高辛的肾排泄,这是与肾小球滤过率密切相关。此外,一些管状分泌物,可能发生肾小管重吸收。几乎所有的地高辛尿液中排泄不变,与一小部分活性代谢物。dihydrodigoxin作为代谢物的临床意义还有待解决。大约25 - 28%的地高辛是消除nonrenal路线。 Biliary excretion may rise up to 30% of a given dose, but the enterohepatic cycle seems to be of minor importance. The pharmacodynamic effects of digoxin, including toxic symptoms, are correlated with the uptake of digoxin in the heart after a single dose and with the steady state serum digoxin concentration during maintenance therapy. Impaired kidney function is the most important condition with an influence on the pharmacokinetics of digoxin. In addition to the renal clearance of creatinine, the biovailability of the digoxin formulation used, the volume of distribution, the amount of extrarenal clearance, body weight and serum albumin concentration, are other factors which may modify the serum level of digoxin. Certain drug interactions may also occur during the absorptive phase. Exact prediction of serum digoxin concentrations by various dosage calculations has not succeeded. Since many factors may influence the sensitivity of the myocardium to digoxin, measurement of serum digoxin levels in only one, but a useful criterion, when making clinical decisions about adjustment of digoxin dosage.

