


B的欧文斯C,帕格迈尔Salness T,伯特森V,力R,便帽P,施泰纳J


其他。2007年10月,29 (10):2222 - 5。doi: 10.1016 / j.clinthera.2007.10.003。

PubMed ID
18042478 (在PubMed

背景:肌安宁是肌肉松弛剂显示辅助治疗在急性疼痛的肌肉骨骼的条件。毒瘾的案例报告利用肌安宁与阿片类药物建议滥用潜力。目标:我们进行了一次回顾性研究索赔数据的识别和描述潜在的滥用在长期指标肌安宁并确定任何用户继续使用药物前长期用户事先授权后实现。方法:爱达荷州医疗补助的药物和医疗索赔数据的数据库查询从1月1日到12月31日,2005年,确定肌肉松弛剂的长期用户。使用伴随阿片类药物和诊断编码有关过去滥用药物进行了分析和比较患者使用肌安宁和病人之间使用其他肌肉松弛剂。数据来自11个30调查寄给药店填补处方肌安宁的长期用户也收集的频率来确定self-pay-continued医疗补助覆盖药物停用后使用。结果:肌安宁的长期用户(n = 340)和其他骨骼肌肉松弛剂死因特异性)(n = 453)从130000人中被确定在爱达荷州医疗补助2005年历年的药物和医疗索赔数据的数据库。两组患者相似的平均年龄(~ 47年)和性(71.5%的女性)。患者使用肌安宁伴随使用阿片类药物更频繁(81.5% vs 59.8%;P < 0.01),通常有过去诊断指示其他药物滥用(34.1% vs 21.4%; P < 0.01), and in 80% of reported cases, continued to pay out of pocket for carisoprodol when third-party coverage was discontinued. Taken together, these findings are consistent with published case reports suggesting the abuse potential of carisoprodol. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this review suggest that, compared with long-term users of other SMRs, carisoprodol patients utilized concomitant opioids more frequently and concomitant NSAIDs less frequently, more commonly had past diagnoses indicating other drug dependence or abuse, and continued to pay out of pocket for carisoprodol when third-party coverage was discontinued. While none of these issues alone may be direct indicators of abuse, collectively they suggest that patients who used carisoprodol long term displayed abuse potential characteristics more frequently than long-term users of other agents.

