


Deluyker哈,Van Oye SN,鲍彻摩根富林明


J乳品科学。2005年2月,88(2):604 - 14所示。

PubMed ID
15653527 (在PubMed

这项研究调查了协会细菌学的治愈和季度体细胞计数(SCC)乳房内的抗生素治疗后治疗时间,牛的特点,以及预处理细菌学和鳞状细胞癌。对于本文的目的,数据从2治疗组在每个选择2种适用的研究。这些研究进行了评估的有效性每天50毫克的乳房内的注入盐酸pirlimycin治疗亚临床乳腺炎。研究1的数据允许比较收到的一群牛pirlimycin乳房内的2 d与一组没有得到治疗,比较和研究2提供了数据pirlimycin 2 d pirlimycin 8 d。季度牛奶样本牛高每月鳞状细胞癌进行细菌学检测和鳞状细胞癌。如果一个或多个方面有积极的细菌学和鳞状细胞癌> / = 300000细胞/ mL,牛登记,随机分配到治疗组。加入牛监控临床乳腺炎等疾病治疗后4周开始。在3和4周治疗后启动,牛奶样本取自每季度确定了SCC和进行细菌学的文化。细菌培养结果解释这种地方相同的细菌种类是培养治疗之前,发现2治疗后至少1的样品被认为是失败的。鳞状细胞癌的分析使用了一个混合线性模型(SAS proc混合)和细菌治疗使用混合物流模型的分析(SAS glimmix宏)。细菌学的治愈率明显高于低平价,低的殖民地预处理文化、延长治疗时间、链球菌和金黄色葡萄球菌。 However, treatment regimen affected bacteriological cure differently in major than in minor pathogens and there was a significant interaction of treatment regimen with stage of lactation. Posttreatment SCC was significantly higher with increasing parity, in rear quarters, and with shorter duration of treatment. In the group of second and third parity animals, post-treatment SCC was more reduced in front quarters than in rear quarters. Also, the difference in posttreatment SCC between younger and older cows increased with higher pretreatment SCC. In conclusion, when predicting bacteriological cure following treatment of subclinical mastitis during lactation both treatment regimen and other risk factors need to be considered. The other risk factors may vary with treatment regimen. Posttreatment SCC was associated with treatment regimen, other risk factors, and interactions among the other risk factors; but these other risk factors did not vary significantly with treatment regimen.

