


专职阿訇DP,猎人MJ, Komives EA


蛋白质科学。1995年9月,4 (9):1683 - 95。

PubMed ID
8528067 (在PubMed

第四EGF-like域thrombomodulin (TM4),残留在TM E346-F389序列,合成。重折叠合成产品的氧化还原条件下给一个主要产品。折叠的二硫键模式,氧化域(1 - 3、2 - 4、5 - 6),这是一样的,发现EGF蛋白。TM4 TM抗凝活性的测试,因为删除和替换诱变实验表明,第四EGF-like域TM对TM代数余子式活动至关重要。TM4没有TM-like活动两个试验系统,对抑制纤维蛋白凝块的形成,和代数余子式活动凝血酶激活蛋白c .初步TM4结构是由2 d 1 h NMR从519年NOE-derived距离约束。距离几何计算了一个收敛的结构。结构类似于表皮生长因子和其他已知的EGF-like域的结构,但一些关键的差异。中央具有β褶板是守恒的,尽管不同的氨基酸在循环的数量。C372之间的二硫键形成的c端环和C386 TM4五氨基酸超过C33之间的类似的循环和促EGF蛋白。这个循环似乎有不同的褶皱在TM4 EGF蛋白。 The loop forms the two outside strands of a broken, irregular tri-stranded beta-sheet, and amino acids H384-F389 lie between the two strands forming the middle strand of the sheet. Thus, although the C-terminus of EGF protein forms one of the outside strands of a tri-stranded antiparallel sheet, the C-terminus of TM4 forms the inside strand of an irregular tri-stranded parallel-anti-parallel sheet. The residues D349, E357, and E374, which were shown to be critical for cofactor activity by alanine scanning mutagenesis, all lie in a patch near the C-terminal loop, and are solvent accessible. The other critical residues, Y358 and F376, are largely buried and appear to play essential structural rather than functional roles.


的名字 UniProt ID
Thrombomodulin P07204 细节