S100 proteins modulate protein phosphatase 5 function: a link between CA2+ signal transduction and protein dephosphorylation.

Article Details


Yamaguchi F, Umeda Y, Shimamoto S, Tsuchiya M, Tokumitsu H, Tokuda M, Kobayashi R

S100 proteins modulate protein phosphatase 5 function: a link between CA2+ signal transduction and protein dephosphorylation.

J Biol Chem. 2012 Apr 20;287(17):13787-98. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.329771. Epub 2012 Mar 7.

PubMed ID
22399290 [View in PubMed

PP5 is a unique member of serine/threonine phosphatases comprising a regulatory tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain and functions in signaling pathways that control many cellular responses. We reported previously that Ca(2+)/S100 proteins directly associate with several TPR-containing proteins and lead to dissociate the interactions of TPR proteins with their client proteins. Here, we identified protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) as a novel target of S100 proteins. In vitro binding studies demonstrated that S100A1, S100A2, S100A6, and S100B proteins specifically interact with PP5-TPR and inhibited the PP5-Hsp90 interaction. In addition, the S100 proteins activate PP5 by using a synthetic phosphopeptide and a physiological protein substrate, Tau. Overexpression of S100A1 in COS-7 cells induced dephosphorylation of Tau. However, S100A1 and permanently active S100P inhibited the apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) and PP5 interaction, resulting the inhibition of dephosphorylation of phospho-ASK1 by PP5. The association of the S100 proteins with PP5 provides a Ca(2+)-dependent regulatory mechanism for the phosphorylation status of intracellular proteins through the regulation of PP5 enzymatic activity or PP5-client protein interaction.

DrugBank Data that Cites this Article

Name UniProt ID
Protein S100-A1 P23297 Details
Protein S100-B P04271 Details
Protein S100-P P25815 Details
Protein S100-A6 P06703 Details
Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 5 P53041 Details
Protein S100-A2 P29034 Details