


迈克耳逊D,斯奈德E - E, Chengan-Liu M, Snavely DB, Hutzelmann J,沃尔什JK,克里斯托广告,Benca RM,科恩M,行C,罗斯T,鲱鱼WJ


柳叶刀神经。2014;13 (5):461 - 71。doi: 10.1016 / s1474 - 4422 (14) 70053 - 5。Epub 2014年3月27日。

PubMed ID
24680372 (在PubMed

背景:Suvorexant (mk - 4305)是一种促食素受体拮抗剂证明是有效的治疗失眠超过3个月。我们旨在评估其临床资料1年期间及之后的治疗。方法:我们做了一个随机、安慰剂对照、平行对照试验中,106个临床实验中心在美洲,澳大利亚,欧洲,南非从12月,2009年8月,2011年。与原发性失眠患者18岁或以上DSM-IV-TR标准被分配使用电脑生成的随机分配安排接收夜间suvorexant(40毫克比65年,年轻患者30 mg病人65岁或以上)或安慰剂在2:1的比率为1年后续两个月随机中止阶段,患者suvorexant继续suvorexant或突然转向安慰剂患者安慰剂仍然在安慰剂。治疗病人的任务是蒙面和调查人员。的主要目的是评估的安全性和耐受性suvorexant长达1年。次要目标是评估的有效性suvorexant改善patient-reported主观总睡眠时间入睡(sTST)和时间(sTSO)在治疗的第一个月。疗效端点在第一个月与混合模型与条件评估基线值的响应变量,年龄,性别,地区,治疗时间和治疗时间的相互作用。这个试验是在ClinicalTrials.gov注册,NCT01021813数量。结果:322(62%)的522名患者随机分配接受suvorexant 259和162(63%)的分配接受安慰剂1阶段完成。 Over 1 year, 362 (69%) of 521 patients treated with suvorexant experienced any adverse events compared with 164 (64%) of 258 treated with placebo. Serious adverse events were recorded in 27 patients (5%) who received suvorexant and 17 (7%) who received placebo. The most common adverse event, somnolence, was reported for 69 patients (13%) who received suvorexant and seven (3%) who received placebo. At month 1, suvorexant (517 patients in the efficacy population) showed greater efficacy than placebo (254 in the efficacy population) in improving sTST (38.7 min vs 16.0 min; difference 22.7, 95% CI 16.4 to 29.0; p<0.0001) and sTSO (-18.0 min vs -8.4 min, difference -9.5, -14.6 to -4.5; p=0.0002). INTERPRETATION: Our findings show that suvorexant was generally safe and well tolerated over 1 year of nightly treatment in patients with insomnia, with efficacy noted for subjective measures of sleep onset and maintenance. FUNDING: Merck & Co Inc.

