羟色胺转运体基因调控区域多态性5 - httlpr) ([3 h]帕罗西汀绑定在健康对照组和冲动的酒精依赖症患者和他们的关系。



就华盛顿大学,Soyka M, Bahlmann M,文策尔K, behren年代,Bondy·德容年代,克鲁格M B

羟色胺转运体基因调控区域多态性5 - httlpr) ([3 h]帕罗西汀绑定在健康对照组和冲动的酒精依赖症患者和他们的关系。

精神病学研究》2000年9月25日,96 (1):51 - 61。

PubMed ID
10980326 (在PubMed

本研究的目的是调查[3 h]帕罗西汀绑定和冲动的酒精依赖症和年龄对照组与一个5 '羟色胺转运体基因启动子区多态性5 - httlpr) ((5 - htt基因)。酒精依赖症受试者猜测显示数量减少的绑定网站和较低的离解常数。5-HTTLPR S-genotype运营商预计数据将显示在酒精依赖症和对照组明显更少的结合位点和较低的离解常数。冲动的影响特征,慢性每日饮酒,酒精依赖时间、发病的年龄和年龄上[3 h]帕罗西汀绑定也被调查。住院病人会议DSM IV酒精依赖标准和德国血统的招募,以避免种族分层效果。一百一十七年对照组相似的社会地位也是从一个城镇社区招募的。血液样本被酒精依赖症和对照组5 - httlpr基因型决定利用淋巴细胞DNA, PCR和执行血小板[3 h]帕罗西汀绑定(绑定能力:B (max);和离解常数:K (D))。冲动是评估使用Barratt冲动规模版本5只(BIS-5)在酒精依赖症的主题。酒精依赖症患者分为低或高冲动性团体使用的median-split BIS-5规模。 The control group was slightly older than the alcohol-dependent group (not statistically significant). [3H]paroxetine binding was investigated in 72 control subjects and 72 patients, of which five patients met type 2 alcohol dependence criteria. Genotyping was carried out in all patients and control subjects. A significant influence of duration of alcohol dependence was found on the [3H]paroxetine binding K(D) but not B(max.) Neither alcohol-dependent nor control subjects showed any differences in B(max) or K(D). S-allele carriers did not show a decreased binding or lower dissociation constant. Furthermore, no significant interaction between B(max) and K(D) with either 5-HTTLPR genotype or impulsivity was revealed. This was the first study to investigate platelet [3H]paroxetine binding in alcohol-dependent and age-matched control subjects in relation to the 5-HTTLPR genotype. No differences concerning 5-HTTLPR-alleles were found in these groups Furthermore, no significant interaction between these parameters and impulsivity was shown in alcohol-dependent subjects. These results do not support previous results of altered [3H]paroxetine binding sites in alcohol-dependent subjects or 5-HTTLPR S-allele carriers. K(D) might be influenced by duration of alcohol dependence, but not sufficiently to yield differences between alcohol-dependent and control subjects.


药物 目标 生物 药理作用 行动
帕罗西汀 Sodium-dependent羟色胺转运体 蛋白质 人类