


阿斯贝尔爱泼斯坦SP, Ahdoot M,马库斯E, PA


J Ocul杂志。2009年4月,25 (2):113 - 9。doi: 10.1089 / jop.2008.0098。

PubMed ID
19284328 (在PubMed

目的:几乎所有滴眼液含有防腐剂,以减少污染。Nonpreservatives如disodium-ethylene二胺tetra-acetate (EDTA)和磷酸盐也经常作为缓冲添加代理。这些组件可以增加毒性的眼药水和引起眼部表面疾病。评估这些常见的组件和它们的潜在毒性比较影响眼部表面,利用组织培养模式不灭的角膜和结膜上皮细胞利用。方法:永生的人类结膜和角膜上皮细胞生长。confluency,介质取代100年microL防腐剂的浓度变化:苯扎氯铵(BAK)、尼泊金甲酯(MP),过硼酸钠(SP)、三氯叔丁醇(Cbl)和稳定硫柳汞(Thi);不同浓度的缓冲:EDTA;媒体(可行的控制);和福尔马林(控制)死了。1 h后,解决方案取代150 microL MTT (3 - 4 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl 2, 5-diphenyl tetrazonium溴化)。 After 4 h, solutions decanted, 100 microL of acid isopropanol added, and the optical density determined at 572 nm to evaluate cell viability. RESULTS: Conjunctival and corneal cell toxicity was seen with all preservatives. Depending upon concentration, BAK exhibited from 56% to 89% toxicity. In comparison, Cbl exhibited from 50% to 86%, MP from 30% to 76%, SP from 23% to 59%, and Thi from 70% to 95%. EDTA with minimal toxicity (from 6% to 59%) was indistinguishable from SP. CONCLUSIONS: Generally, the order of decreasing toxicity at the most commonly used concentrations: Thi (0.0025%) > BAK (0.025%) > Cbl (0.25%) > MP (0.01%) > SP (0.0025%) approximately EDTA (0.01%). Even at low concentration, these agents will cause some degree of ocular tissue damage.

