




糖尿病ob金属底座。1999年9月,1 (5):285 - 91。

PubMed ID
11225640 (在PubMed

目的:D-Tagatose (D-tag),己糖大部分甜味剂,不影响血浆葡萄糖水平时口头管理啮齿动物。此外,D-tag变弱后血糖升高小鼠接种口服蔗糖。目前的研究进行探讨急性血糖的影响口腔D-tag单独或结合在人类受试者口服葡萄糖和2型糖尿病。后受试者的血糖反应D-tag也进行了口服蔗糖检查D-tag的降糖效果的啮齿动物是否会造成肠道双糖酶的直接抑制作用。方法:八正常的糖尿病患者和8管理75克葡萄糖,D-tag 75克或75克D-tag 30分钟前75克口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)。5例糖尿病患者挑战75 g口服蔗糖耐量试验(OSTT)有或没有口服75克D-tag预处理。糖尿病患者也得到了独立的0,10年,15年,20和30克D-tag 75 g OGTT前30分钟。结果:口服加载D-tag单独导致没有葡萄糖和胰岛素水平的变化在正常的病人或糖尿病。然而,Pre-OGTT治疗75 g D-tag减毒的糖尿病患者的血糖水平(p < 0.02在60到180分钟,在120分钟p < 0.01)。血糖曲线下面积(AUC)也显著降低了与D-tag预处理方式对糖尿病患者存在剂量依赖的相关性(p < 0.05, 10 g D-tag p < 0.001 20 g D-tag, 30 g D-tag p = 0.0001)。 In patients with diabetes mellitus 75 g D-tag similarly attenuated the rise in glucose following an OSTT (p < 0.01 at 30 min, and p < 0.02 at 60 min). Pre-treatment with 75 g D-tag also tended to blunt the rise in insulin following an OGTT in normal patients (p = 0.07 for insulin AUC) but not patients with diabetes mellitus (p = 0.66). Following 75 g of oral D-tag in four normal patients, plasma D-tag levels rose to a mean peak level of 3.6 mg/dl at 90 min. The administration of 75 g D-tag led to diarrhoea, nausea and/or flatulence in 100% of subjects. When D-tag was administered at lower doses ranging from 10 g to 30 g, only three of 10 patients with diabetes mellitus had gastrointestinal symptoms which were much more mild than those evoked by 75 g D-tag. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that oral D-tag significantly blunts the rise in plasma glucose seen after oral glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus in a dose-dependent manner without significantly affecting insulin levels. The minimal elevation of plasma D-tag levels in normal patients and the adverse gastrointestinal effects seen following larger doses of D-tag support poor absorption of this hexose and suggest that D-tag may act by attenuating glucose absorption in the intestine. D-tag may be a useful therapeutic adjunct in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

