


Pittler MH,恩斯特E



PubMed ID
16437450 (在PubMed

背景:保守治疗慢性静脉功能不全(CVI)主要是压缩处理。然而,这往往会导致不适,并且与贫穷有关合规。因此,口服药物治疗是一个有吸引力的选择。目的:评估口腔七叶树种子中提取的有效性和安全性(HCSE)与安慰剂或引用疗法,治疗CVI。必威国际app搜索策略:我们搜查了Cochrane外周血管疾病审查小组的专业注册(2005年10月),科克伦中央登记的对照试验(中央)在Cochrane图书馆问题3中,2005年,MEDLINE(1966年1月至2005年10月)、EMBASE(1980年1月至2005年10月),盟军和补充医学(艾湄湾)(《盗梦空间》2005年7月)和Phytobase(2001年1月的《盗梦空间》)为随机对照试验(相关的)的HCSE慢性静脉功能不全。制造商HCSE准备和联系专家在这个问题上发表和未发表的材料。没有语言的限制。选择标准:相关的包括如果他们比较口服HCSE mono-preparations与安慰剂或引用治疗,CVI的人。试验评估HCSE作为组合制备的活性成分之一,或作为综合治疗的一部分,被排除在外。数据收集和分析:两位作者独立选择的研究,使用一个标准的评分系统,评估方法学质量和提取数据。 Disagreements concerning evaluation of individual trials were resolved through discussion. MAIN RESULTS: Overall, there appeared to be an improvement in CVI related signs and symptoms with HCSE compared with placebo. Leg pain was assessed in seven placebo-controlled trials. Six reported a significant reduction of leg pain in the HCSE groups compared with the placebo groups, while another reported a statistically significant improvement compared with baseline. One trial suggested a weighted mean difference (WMD) of 42.4 mm (95% confidence interval (CI) 34.9 to 49.9) measured on a 100 mm visual analogue scale. Leg volume was assessed in seven placebo-controlled trials. Meta-analysis of six trials (n = 502) suggested a WMD of 32.1ml (95% CI 13.49 to 50.72) in favour of HCSE compared with placebo. One trial indicated that HCSE may be as effective as treatment with compression stockings. Adverse events were usually mild and infrequent. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The evidence presented implies that HCSE is an efficacious and safe short-term treatment for CVI. However, several caveats exist and more rigorous RCTs are required to confirm the efficacy of this treatment option.

