




尖端生物研究1989;312:197 - 210。

PubMed ID
2508124 (在PubMed

大多数临床研究证明小(0.5 - -1.0毫米),但显著降低手术减数分裂的环氧酶抑制剂(coi),如消炎痛、flurbiprofen或舒洛芬。然而,其他的研究也没能证明显著抑制这些代理的一些。虽然这抑制可能提供一个临床有用的优势在某些情况下,它不会帮助我们澄清缩瞳剂反应的介质和机制。高剂量的细胞色素氧化酶的抑制作用外科减数分裂普遍的基础上解释了抑制PG合成。然而,coi不要选择性地抑制后卫的合成;他们抑制环氧酶的合成产品,包括环前列腺素和血栓素。缩瞳剂的还原反应也可能造成,在某种程度上,从抑制花生四烯酸代谢的脂氧合酶途径。coi的影响无关的生化过程,影响虹膜括约肌的收缩反应也可能导致手术诱导减数分裂的抑制。简而言之,coi减少减数分裂的机制仍然不明。如果假定后卫是唯一介质减数分裂,一个还必须假定coi未能阻止外科减数分裂是由于不完全抑制环氧酶的活动涉及到眼部组织,尽管coi眼手术前应用多次。 However, a more likely explanation is that other mediators are involved in the miotic response, especially since no PG has yet been shown to produce a dose-dependent miotic response leading to full sphincter contraction in any primate (see Miranda and Bito, 1989). While acetylcholine is the best-established agonist of iris sphincter contraction, surgical miosis occurs even after pretreatment with high doses of potent anti-cholinergic agents. This atropine-resistant component of the surgically induced miosis may be mediated by a number of autocoids. Several autacoids, other than PGs, have been shown to be potent miotic agents in some animals. LTC4 and LTD4, which are potent miotics in cats, have not yet been investigated for their possible role in surgical miosis in primates. Several neuropeptides are potent miotics in rabbits, although none of them has yet been found to have similar effects on human irides. Because sensory neuronal involvement in trauma-induced miosis has been demonstrated in many species, including humans (see Stjernschantz and Bito, 1989; also Unger, 1989), a search for a neuropeptide that has miotic properties in humans should continue. Much more work must be done before the mechanism of surgical miosis can be clarified.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)


药物 目标 生物 药理作用 行动
吲哚美辛 人类环氧酶(蛋白质组) 蛋白质组 人类