


张伟,丁海涛,皮力杰,Boruvka A, Erickson R, Abouhossein M, Ravanello R, Tang MT


中国生物医学工程学报,2013,38(5):2418-2434。doi: 10.1007 / s12325 - 021 - 01661 - 6。2021年3月29日

PubMed ID
33778929 (PubMed视图

Etrolizumab是一种新型的双作用抗- β 7整合素抗体,在炎症性肠病患者的3期试验中研究。同时正在开发一种自动注射器(AI),以补充在这些试验中用于皮下(SC)给药的带有针头安全装置(PFS-NSD)的预填充注射器。在这里,我们展示了两种设备的可比药代动力学,耐受性和安全性。方法:这项在健康参与者中进行的随机、开放标签、两部分研究评估了AI和PFS-NSD之间的依曲单抗暴露的可比性。第一部分(试点)涉及少量参与者,初步结果用于确定较大的第二部分(关键)研究的设计。在这两个部分中,参与者被随机分配接受AI或PFS-NSD的单次SC剂量的etrolizumab 105mg。随机分组按体重分层。主要药代动力学指标为Cmax、AUClast和AUC0-inf。结果:180名健康受试者(第一部分,n = 30;第2部分,n = 150)通过AI或PFS-NSD接受单次SC剂量的etrolizumab。 Primary pharmacokinetic results from part 1 supported modification of the part 2 study design. Results from part 2 demonstrated that etrolizumab exposure was equivalent between devices, with geometric mean ratios (GMRs) between AI and PFS-NSD of 102% (90% confidence interval [CI] 94.2-111) for Cmax, 98.0% (90% CI 89.3-107) for AUClast, and 97.6% (90% CI 88.6-107) for AUC0-inf. Median tmax and mean terminal t1/2 were also similar between devices. GMRs and 90% CIs of all primary pharmacokinetic parameters were fully contained within the predefined equivalence limits (80-125%). CONCLUSION: This pharmacokinetic study demonstrated that single SC injections of etrolizumab 105 mg using an AI or a PFS-NSD resulted in equivalent etrolizumab exposure and similar safety and tolerability in healthy participants. Taken together, these results support the use of an AI for etrolizumab administration. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT02996019.

