




《美国医学协会杂志》上。2002年4月10日,287(14):1807 - 14所示。

PubMed ID
11939866 (在PubMed

背景:观察贯叶连翘提取物(圣约翰草)是广泛用于治疗不同程度的抑郁症。他们在重度抑郁症的疗效,然而,还没有被证明。目的:测试的有效性和安全性特征H叶连翘提取物(li - 160)在重度抑郁症。设计和设置:双盲、随机、安慰剂对照试验进行了12个学术和社区精神病学研究诊所在美国。必威国际app参与者:成人门诊(n = 340)招募了1998年12月至2000年6月与抑郁症和基线在汉密尔顿抑郁量表总分至少20 (ham - d)。干预措施:病人被随机分配接受H叶连翘,安慰剂,或者舍曲林(作为一个活跃的比较器)为8周。基于临床反应,H叶连翘的每日剂量可能范围从900到1500毫克,舍曲林从50到100毫克。急救员8周后可以继续盲目治疗另一个18周。主要结果测量:改变汉密顿抑郁量表总分从基线到8周;利率的反应,由全球ham - d和临床印象(CGI)分数。 RESULTS: On the 2 primary outcome measures, neither sertraline nor H perforatum was significantly different from placebo. The random regression parameter estimate for mean (SE) change in HAM-D total score from baseline to week 8 (with a greater decline indicating more improvement) was -9.20 (0.67) (95% confidence interval [CI], -10.51 to -7.89) for placebo vs -8.68 (0.68) (95% CI, -10.01 to -7.35) for H perforatum (P =.59) and -10.53 (0.72) (95% CI, -11.94 to -9.12) for sertraline (P =.18). Full response occurred in 31.9% of the placebo-treated patients vs 23.9% of the H perforatum-treated patients (P =.21) and 24.8% of sertraline-treated patients (P =.26). Sertraline was better than placebo on the CGI improvement scale (P =.02), which was a secondary measure in this study. Adverse-effect profiles for H perforatum and sertraline differed relative to placebo. CONCLUSION: This study fails to support the efficacy of H perforatum in moderately severe major depression. The result may be due to low assay sensitivity of the trial, but the complete absence of trends suggestive of efficacy for H perforatum is noteworthy.

