


李Z,王赵H, J


地中海Cardiovasc前面。2021年5月5日,8:650278。doi: 10.3389 / fcvm.2021.650278。eCollection 2021。

PubMed ID
34026868 (在PubMed

心力衰竭(HF)患者往往患有多种并发症,如糖尿病、心房纤颤、抑郁症、慢性阻塞性肺疾病和慢性肾脏疾病。并发症的兼容问题通常会导致多发病率和不良预后。治疗心力衰竭患者多发病率仍未满足临床需求,并找到一种有效的治疗策略是很有价值的。心力衰竭会导致疾病,作为回报,共病可以促进心力衰竭的恶化,从而导致一种恶性循环。这个相互关联表示可能会有一些常见的原因和生物机制。代谢重构和慢性炎症的病理生理过程中扮演着至关重要的角色高频和并发症,指示代谢和炎症可能是高频和并发症之间的联系。综述,我们全面讨论主要的潜在机制和心力衰竭的治疗对并发症的影响。我们首先总结代谢和炎症在高频的潜在作用。然后,我们概述常见的并发症和高频之间的联系,从流行病学的角度来看证据基础代谢和炎症机制。此外,在生物信息学的帮助下,我们总结了共同的危险因素,信号通路,和治疗目标高频和并发症之间的关系。 Metabolic syndrome, aging, deleterious lifestyles (sedentary behavior, poor dietary patterns, smoking, etc.), and other risk factors common to HF and comorbidities are all associated with common mechanisms. Impaired mitochondrial biogenesis, autophagy, insulin resistance, and oxidative stress, are among the major mechanisms of both HF and comorbidities. Gene enrichment analysis showed the PI3K/AKT pathway may probably play a central role in multi morbidity. Additionally, drug targets common to HF and several common comorbidities were found by network analysis. Such analysis has already been instrumental in drug repurposing to treat HF and comorbidity. And the result suggests sodium-glucose transporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors, IL-1beta inhibitors, and metformin may be promising drugs for repurposing to treat multi morbidity. We propose that targeting the metabolic and inflammatory pathways that are common to HF and comorbidities may provide a promising therapeutic strategy.

