同种异体cardiosphere-derived细胞(cap - 1002)在危重COVID-19病人:同情使用案例系列。



陈查克推瓦蒂辛格年代,T, P, Akhmerov,福尔克J,弗里德曼O, Zaman T,地基变形我,Gheorghiu M, Marban L, Marban E Makkar医生RR

同种异体cardiosphere-derived细胞(cap - 1002)在危重COVID-19病人:同情使用案例系列。

基本Res心功能杂志。2020年5月12日,115 (4):36。doi: 10.1007 / s00395 - 020 - 0795 - 1。

PubMed ID
32399655 (在PubMed

没有明确的治疗严重急性呼吸系统综合症患者coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)感染。因此,需要新的治疗策略来改善临床结果,特别是在严重疾病患者。这种情况下系列探讨了静脉注射同种异体cardiosphere-derived细胞的安全性和有效性(疾控中心),制定上限——1002年,在2019年证实冠状病毒疾病危重患者(COVID-19)。不良反应限制- 1002临床地位在世界卫生组织(世卫组织)顺序量表,和促炎症生物标记和白细胞计数的变化进行了分析。所有的病人(n = 6;年龄19 - 75岁,1女)需要通气支持(侵入性机械通气,n = 5) PaO2 /供给从69年到198年不等。没有相关不良事件帽- 1002管理观察。4名患者(67%)断奶呼吸支持和从医院出院。一个病人仍然是机械通风4月28日,2020;所有的生存。 A contemporaneous control group of critically ill COVID-19 patients (n = 34) at our institution showed 18% overall mortality at a similar stage of hospitalization. Ferritin was elevated in all patients at baseline (range of all patients 605.43-2991.52 ng/ml) and decreased in 5/6 patients (range of all patients 252.89-1029.90 ng/ml). Absolute lymphocyte counts were low in 5/6 patients at baseline (range 0.26-0.82 x 10(3)/microl) but had increased in three of these five patients at last follow-up (range 0.23-1.02 x 10(3)/microl). In this series of six critically ill COVID-19 patients, intravenous infusion of CAP-1002 was well tolerated and associated with resolution of critical illness in 4 patients. This series demonstrates the apparent safety of CAP-1002 in COVID-19. While this initial experience is promising, efficacy will need to be further assessed in a randomized controlled trial.

