


维斯毫升,安德森C, Medicetty年代,Seshareddy KB,维斯RJ, VanderWerff我,泰勒D,麦金托什KR


干细胞。2008年11月,26 (11):2865 - 74。doi: 10.1634 / stemcells.2007 - 1028。Epub 2008年8月14日。

PubMed ID
18703664 (在PubMed

细胞分离从沃顿商学院的果冻,矩阵称为脐带基质(ucm)细胞,坚持组织培养塑料衬底,表达间充质基质细胞(MSC)表面标记,自我更新,多功能(分化为骨、脂肪、软骨等)在体外。这些属性支持了这样的观点,即ucm细胞MSC家族的一员。在这里,ucm细胞具有体外免疫属性。总体的假设是ucm细胞具有免疫特性,将宽容的同种异体移植。例如,ucm细胞抑制增殖的“刺激”淋巴细胞(免疫抑制)和降低免疫原性(例如,将可怜的同种异体淋巴细胞增殖的刺激器)。假设检验是如下:首先,对mitotically coculture扩散的影响人类ucm细胞灭活与concanavalin-A-stimulated鼠脾细胞在三种不同的分析评估。第二,人类ucm细胞的影响在单向和双向混合淋巴细胞反应(高)分析确定。第三,人类白细胞抗原(HLA) - g的表达在人类ucm细胞检查使用逆转录-聚合酶链反应,因为HLA-G表达式传递在母胎界面的免疫调控属性。第四,表达CD40、CD80和CD86决心通过流式细胞术。第五,ucm细胞的细胞因子表达被集中基因阵列评估。 The results indicate that human UCMS cells inhibit splenocyte proliferation response to concanavalin A stimulation, that they do not stimulate T-cell proliferation in a one-way MLR, and that they inhibit the proliferation of stimulated T cells in a two-way MLR. Human UCMS cells do not inhibit nonstimulated splenocyte proliferation, suggesting specificity of the response. UCMS cells express mRNA for pan-HLA-G. UCMS cells do not express the costimulatory surface antigens CD40, CD80, and CD86. UCMS cells express vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin-6, molecules previously implicated in the immune modulation observed in MSCs. In addition, the array data indicate that UCMS cells make a cytokine and other factors that may support hematopoiesis. Together, these results support previous observations made following xenotransplantation; for example, there was no evidence of frank immune rejection of undifferentiated UCMS cells. The results suggest that human UCMS will be tolerated in allogeneic transplantation. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest is found at the end of this article.

