前列腺癌和前列腺癌床与ProstaScint SPECT成像:半定量的相关性与前列腺活检的结果。



Sodee DB,埃利斯RJ塞缪尔,斯皮纳克JP,普尔WF,里斯C, Martanovic DM,是不是应该R, Bellon EM

前列腺癌和前列腺癌床与ProstaScint SPECT成像:半定量的相关性与前列腺活检的结果。

前列腺癌。1998年11月1日,37 (3):140 - 8。

PubMed ID
9792131 (在PubMed

背景:ProstaScint (Cytogen公司,普林斯顿,纽约)小鼠单克隆抗体成像是fda批准的成像高危前列腺癌患者的转移性疾病和患者postprostatectomy与崛起的血清前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)水平。ProstaScint小鼠单克隆抗体,目标前列腺特异性膜抗原(PSMA)。表达式是调节PSMA原发性和转移性前列腺癌。FDA Cytogen(普林斯顿,纽约)协议研究使用111 indium-labeled ProstaScint显示领域增加浓度之间的相关性在前列腺癌和biopsy-proven成像pretherapy肿瘤病人。方法:在我们的研究中,四横,单光子发射断层扫描(SPECT)图像被孤立和地区感兴趣的选择和与pretherapy前列腺活检的结果。前列腺癌和前列腺正常组织/肌肉背景(P / M)比率是派生的,所以,postprostatectomy /放疗患者可以评估残留前列腺癌的存在。23 pretherapy前列腺癌患者象限/六分仪活检SPECT 96 - hr 111铟ProstaScint盆腔图像。上面的四个横向1厘米的片中线阴茎血池的选择,和四到六27-30-pixel地区感兴趣的在前列腺的床被。背景肌肉地区的利益放在外部闭孔肌肉。P / M值计算,而象限/六分仪前列腺活检的结果。 The same procedure was applied to 17 posttherapy prostate cancer patients with rising PSA. RESULTS: In the 23 pretherapy prostate cancer patients, there was a correlation between the P/M ratio of at least 3.0 in 32 of 35 prostatic cancer biopsy regions, and there was correlation with P/M ratios less than 3.0 in 82 of 89 negative biopsy regions. Seventeen posttherapy patients underwent ProstaScint studies. Six underwent biopsy, with typically one biopsy site per patient. All 6 had P/M ratios greater than 3.0 in the biopsied region. Five out of six biopsies revealed residual prostate cancer. CONCLUSIONS: A prostate/muscle ratio was developed from 111indium ProstaScint regions of interest obtained on 1-cm SPECT transverse slices through the prostate bed in 23 patients preprostatic cancer therapy. A P/M ratio above 3.0 correlated in the majority of positive cases, and a P/M ratio below 3.0 was demonstrated in negative prostatic biopsy cases. The P/M ratio of above 3.0 or below 3.0 also separated those posttherapy prostate cancer patients with rising PSA who had residual prostate carcinoma in the prostate bed.


药物 目标 生物 药理作用 行动
Capromab pendetide 谷氨酸羧肽酶2 蛋白质 人类