对MERS-CoV ChAdOx1和MVA候选疫苗引起小鼠中和抗体和细胞免疫反应。



Alharbi NK, Padron-Regalado E,汤普森CP, Kupke,井D,斯隆,Grehan K, Temperton N,拉姆T, Warimwe G,贝克尔年代,希尔AVS,吉尔伯特SC

对MERS-CoV ChAdOx1和MVA候选疫苗引起小鼠中和抗体和细胞免疫反应。

疫苗。2017年6月27日,35 (30):3780 - 3788。doi: 10.1016 / j.vaccine.2017.05.032。Epub 2017 6月1。

PubMed ID
28579232 (在PubMed

中东的呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒(MERS-CoV)有超过1900人感染人类,自2012年以来。综合征范围从无症状和轻微严重肺炎和死亡病例。流行的病毒被认为是1980年代以来在单峰骆驼骆驼没有明显的症状。因此,单峰骆驼骆驼被认为是唯一的动物的感染源。抗病毒药物和疫苗批准兽医或医疗用途尽管活跃在这个领域的研究。必威国际app这里,我们开发了四个候选疫苗对MERS-CoV基于ChAdOx1和MVA病毒载体,两位候选人/向量。所有疫苗包含MERS-CoV的长篇飙升基因;ChAdOx1即疫苗生产有或没有的领袖序列的人体组织纤溶酶原激活物(tPA)基因与tPA MVA即疫苗生产,但mH5或季启动子驱动的基因的表达。所有候选疫苗在小鼠模型评估'只有或启动—提高方案。ChAdOx1即与tPA诱导中和抗体高于ChAdOx1即没有tPA。 A single dose of ChAdOx1 MERS with tPA elicited cellular immune responses as well as neutralising antibodies that were boosted to a significantly higher level by MVA MERS. The humoral immunogenicity of a single dose of ChAdOx1 MERS with tPA was equivalent to two doses of MVA MERS (also with tPA). MVA MERS with mH5 or F11 promoter induced similar antibody levels; however, F11 promoter enhanced the cellular immunogenicity of MVA MERS to significantly higher magnitudes. In conclusion, our study showed that MERS-CoV vaccine candidates could be optimized by utilising different viral vectors, various genetic designs of the vectors, or different regimens to increase immunogenicity. ChAdOx1 and MVA vectored vaccines have been safely evaluated in camels and humans and these MERS vaccine candidates should now be tested in camels and in clinical trials.

