


文策尔RG,施瓦兹K, Padiyara RS


药物治疗。2006年3月,26 (3):375 - 87。doi: 10.1592 / phco.26.3.375。

PubMed ID
16503717 (在PubMed

偏头痛是一个昂贵的、周期性条件影响2800万人还在美国仍然是诊断和治疗。2004年,美国食品和药物管理局批准托吡酯预防偏头痛的成年人,加入三个其他代理的指示:双丙戊酸钠、心得安、timolol。我们评估托吡酯治疗偏头痛的作用基于出版文献和我们的临床经验。定性系统搜索的文献从1966年1月- 2004年1必威国际app2月由使用MEDLINE,和其他相关的文献回顾。三大、随机、安慰剂对照试验托吡酯预防偏头痛的个人经历3 - 12攻击/月出版,有几个小型研究和比较器与心得安试验。基于这些研究结果,100毫克/天是最优托吡酯剂量的疗效和耐受性。使用剂量,偏头痛发作的数量/下降了大约两个月。其他一些次要结果措施也显著降低包括每月的天数与急性治疗偏头痛和使用/攻击。疗效不佳了50毫克/天,而200毫克/天引起相当多的耐受性问题。感觉异常剂量有关,磨损的最常见原因。 Cognitive dysfunction and weight loss were also commonly reported. The reduction by two migraines/month demonstrated with topiramate in clinical trials is similar to the published results for other preventive agents, though most of those studies were small, antiquated, and poorly designed. In contrast, the topiramate trials enrolled a larger number of patients and closely adhered to the International Headache Society research recommendations, strengthening the quality of results. Topiramate 100 mg/day is an effective option in adults who require migraine prophylaxis. Although the published efficacy results of the various migraine preventive agents are comparable, the superior study design of the topiramate trials warrants consideration of topiramate as an agent of choice for migraine prevention. Future studies of any preventive agent should include more refined quality-of-life outcomes.

