


,Newberry Shekelle PG SJ,菲茨杰拉德JD Motala, CE、奥汉隆塔里克,Okunogbe,汉族D, Shanman R


安实习生地中海。2017年1月3;166 (1):37-51。doi: 10.7326 / m16 - 0461。Epub 2016年11月1日。

PubMed ID
27802478 (在PubMed

背景:痛风是一种常见的炎症性关节炎病人看到的初级保健医生。目的:对治疗急性痛风发作审查证据,管理高尿酸血来防止攻击,中止治疗成人慢性痛风。数据来源:从2010年1月至2016年3月多个电子数据库,参考采矿、和药品制造商。研究选择:研究美国食品和药物管理局批准的药物和常用的初级保健医生,对有效性的随机试验,试验和不良事件的观察研究。数据提取:数据提取是由一位评论家和检查第二个审稿人。研究质量评估2独立评论员。的为证据强度评估是由小组讨论。28日试验的数据合成:高强度的证据(只有3的安慰剂对照)表明秋水仙碱,非甾体类抗炎药(非甾体抗炎药)和糖皮质激素在急性痛风患者减轻疼痛。适度强度的证据表明,低剂量和高剂量的秋水仙碱秋水仙碱是有效,导致更少的胃肠道不良事件。适度强度的证据表明urate-lowering疗法(别嘌呤醇或febuxostat)减少长期风险对急性痛风发作后1年或更多。 High-strength evidence shows that prophylaxis with daily colchicine or NSAIDs reduces the risk for acute gout attacks by at least half in patients starting urate-lowering therapy, and moderate-strength evidence indicates that duration of prophylaxis should be longer than 8 weeks. Although lower urate levels reduce risk for recurrent acute attacks, treatment to a specific target level has not been tested. Limitation: Few studies of acute gout treatments, no placebo-controlled trials of management of hyperuricemia lasting longer than 6 months, and few studies in primary care populations. Conclusion: Colchicine, NSAIDs, and corticosteroids relieve pain in adults with acute gout. Urate-lowering therapy decreases serum urate levels and reduces risk for acute gout attacks. Primary Funding Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (Protocol registration: http://effectivehealth-care.ahrq.gov/ehc/products/564/1992/Gout-managment-protoco l-141103.pdf).

