


潘华思B,佩胡尔c, F



PubMed ID
14758786 (PubMed视图

扑热息痛(对乙酰氨基酚)的优点是它可以通过口服、静脉注射或直肠途径给药。最后提到的不同于口服途径在缓慢和不规则吸收的活性物质。在治疗浓度下,扑热息痛的药代动力学是线性的,即与剂量无关,并且在重复给药时是恒定的。扑热息痛的疗效已被证明在各种急性或慢性疼痛综合征。成人的最佳单位剂量为1g。每日最大剂量为4 g,与镇痛活性下降一致,通常超过6小时。泡腾片的药物吸收和起效比普通片剂快。然而,对乙酰氨基酚的血清浓度与其镇痛或解热作用之间没有直接的相关性。扑热息痛是老年人或慢性肾功能不全患者选择的非阿片类镇痛药,即使清除率降低,通常也不需要减少这类患者的剂量。虽然对乙酰氨基酚的生物利用度在慢性、良性肝病患者中没有受损,但在肝功能不全患者中禁用。 It can be used during pregnancy and lactation. The very low level of paracetamol binding to plasma proteins, together with its hepatic metabolism, mainly through glucuronide or sulphate conjugation, account for the low risk of drug interactions with paracetamol, particularly with antivitamin K. When added to a traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, paracetamol enhances the analgesic effect or allows the use of lower doses. It is more difficult to define the ideal dosage of paracetamol in children, because of the influence of age on its pharmacokinetics, and the relatively erratic bioavailability of suppositories. An oral dose of 15 mg/kg every 4 hours, up to a total of 60 mg/kg/day, is usually sufficient to achieve the desired analgesic or antipyretic effect.

