


德Tiedra Mercadal J, Lozano R


药物经济学。1997年8月,12 (2 Pt 1): 193 - 208。doi: 10.2165 / 00019053-199712020-00009。

PubMed ID
10169671 (在PubMed

本研究的目的是比较,从社会的角度来看,局部和fluocortin prednicarbate 0.25%和0.75%的成本效益的治疗炎症性皮肤病,如皮炎和湿疹,在西班牙。确定疗效和耐受性的17个随机双盲对照临床试验的荟萃分析,使用MEDLINE搜索和二级参考搜索。必威国际app获得的数据的基础上,按方案评估系统,和Mantel-Haenszel方法(如修改皮托)被用来做统计分析。的经济评估,他开发了一个模型的预计总成本是由药物的成本(推荐的剂量调整)+成本来源于无效和/或不良反应相关的不同的治疗方法。进行了灵敏度分析的基础上的变化:(i)临床疗效;(2)prednicarbate价格;(3)不良反应的发生率;(iv)相关费用无效和/或不利影响;和(v)的方案prednicarbate管理。荟萃分析显示,有显著统计学差异2替代品(p = 0.001)。 The value of a combined odds ratio [and 95% confidence interval (95% CI)] for the combined studies of prednicarbate was 1.54 (95% CI 1.10 to 2.15), compared with 0.73 (95% CI 0.60 to 0.89) for fluocortin relative to moderate or moderate-to-high potency corticosteroids. Effectiveness was 84.9% for prednicarbate and 69.7% for fluocortin, while frequency of adverse effects was 3.5% for prednicarbate and 4.9% for fluocortin. The total expected cost per patient treated was found to be 4600 Spanish pesetas (Pta) [$US37.10; 1996 values] for prednicarbate and Pta5778 ($US46.60; 1996 values) for fluocortin. The total expected cost per patient successfully treated was Pta5608 ($US45.20) for prednicarbate and Pta8680 ($US70) for fluocortin. Prednicarbate has been shown to have a favourable cost-effectiveness ratio, when compared with fluocortin, for the treatment of dermatitis and eczema in Spain. Additional pharmacoeconomic studies on topical corticosteroids are required, including the use of new variables, long term analysis and/or the measurements of the effect of the drug on patients' quality of life.

