


克罗宁CJ,孟德尔我,穆赫塔尔年代,Kim YM Stirbl RC,勃拉克J,斯特恩伯格PW



PubMed ID
15698479 (在PubMed

背景:线虫正弦运动已经被用来作为表型在许多秀丽隐杆线虫的研究发展、行为和生理机能。彻底的理解生物学的基因控制的方式这些方面看,部分表型分析的准确性。虽然蠕虫移动差相对容易描述,描述极度活跃的运动和运动调制提出了更大的挑战。一个增强的能力分析所有线虫运动的复杂性将帮助我们了解基因控制的行为。结果:我们开发了一个用户友好的系统自动化和定量分析线虫运动方式。在这个系统自动识别和计算机控制的显微镜线虫阶段确保线虫保存在相机的视野,而视频图像存储在相机的录像。在第二个步骤中,录像的图像处理识别蠕虫并提取其随时间变化的位置和姿势。从这个信息,各种各样的运动参数计算。这些参数包括蠕虫的质心的速度、蠕虫的速度沿着轨道,身体弯曲的程度和频率,正弦运动的振幅和波长,沿着身体收缩波的传播。蠕虫的长度也决定和用于规范化振幅和波长测量。 To demonstrate the utility of this system, we report here a comparison of movement parameters for a small set of mutants affecting the Go/Gq mediated signaling network that controls acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction. The system allows comparison of distinct genotypes that affect movement similarly (activation of Gq-alpha versus loss of Go-alpha function), as well as of different mutant alleles at a single locus (null and dominant negative alleles of the goa-1 gene, which encodes Go-alpha). We also demonstrate the use of this system for analyzing the effects of toxic agents. Concentration-response curves for the toxicants arsenite and aldicarb, both of which affect motility, were determined for wild-type and several mutant strains, identifying P-glycoprotein mutants as not significantly more sensitive to either compound, while cat-4 mutants are more sensitive to arsenite but not aldicarb. CONCLUSIONS: Automated analysis of nematode movement facilitates a broad spectrum of experiments. Detailed genetic analysis of multiple alleles and of distinct genes in a regulatory network is now possible. These studies will facilitate quantitative modeling of C. elegans movement, as well as a comparison of gene function. Concentration-response curves will allow rigorous analysis of toxic agents as well as of pharmacological agents. This type of system thus represents a powerful analytical tool that can be readily coupled with the molecular genetics of nematodes.


药物 转运体 生物 药理作用 行动
三氧化二砷 22 - 1 蛋白质 人类