


Easthope SE,佩里CM


衰老药物。2002;19 (3):231 - 48。

PubMed ID
12027782 (在PubMed

Bimatoprost合成prostamide模拟,是一种新的眼部低血压的经纪人表示开角青光眼和眼的二线治疗高血压。该药物作为眼科0.03%解决方案制定。Bimatoprost降低眼内压(IOP)通过增加房水外流。当局部使用一次日常眼部高血压或青光眼患者,bimatoprost 0.03%显著降低眼压。意思是眼压降低了大约7.5到9.2毫米汞柱12小时后药物管理局随机临床试验。的降低眼压维持在整个24小时剂量间隔。每天换一次治疗bimatoprost 0.03%被发现更有效的比timolol 0.5%(每天两次管理作为眼科gel-forming解决方案解决方案或每天一次)在眼部高血压患者随机比较试验和青光眼。此外,经过1到6个月的治疗,病人的比例达到一个目标眼压的<或= 17毫米汞柱也显著大于比那些接受timolol bimatoprost-treated组。Bimatoprost眼科的解决方案被发现至少0.03%有效的局部latanoprost 0.005%管理每天一次在两个临床试验。降低眼压postdose 16和20个小时在bimatoprost患者更大,表明优越的控制眼压的时间点在整个剂量间隔。 In patients refractory to beta-blocker therapy, treatment with bimatoprost 0.03% produced greater reductions in diurnal IOP measurements than combination therapy with topical dorzolamide 2%/timolol 0.5%; approximately twice as many bimatoprost 0.03% recipients achieved an IOP of < or =16mm Hg. The most commonly reported adverse effect during clinical trials of once-daily bimatoprost 0.03% was conjunctival hyperaemia which occurred in 42 to 46% of patients treated. However, most cases were mild and only 1 to 4% of patients withdrew from treatment as a result. Overall withdrawal rates as a result of adverse events during clinical trials ranged from 2.6 to 7%. Bimatoprost has been reported to cause changes in the pigmentation of the periorbital skin, eyelashes and iris, and increase eyelash growth. The long-term consequences of these effects are unknown. Cardiopulmonary adverse effects, which have been associated with the use of beta-blockers such as timolol, were not reported in clinical trials of bimatoprost. Thus, in clinical trials of up to 1-year duration, bimatoprost 0.03% has been found to be effective in significantly lowering IOP and is generally well tolerated. It provides an alternative treatment option for patients in whom beta-blockers are contraindicated. Furthermore, bimatoprost provides an effective second-line treatment option in patients who do not achieve target IOP with other topical ocular hypotensive agents, or who experience unacceptable adverse effects. Wider clinical use of this drug will establish the place of bimatoprost in the treatment of open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension.

