


Ramsook C, Sahagun-Carreon我Kozinetz CA Moro-Sutherland D


安地中海紧急情况。2002年4月,39 (4):397 - 403。

PubMed ID
11919526 (在PubMed

研究目的:呕吐在儿童患急性胃肠炎干扰口服补液过程,同样使家长和卫生保健提供者。兼职教授,如异丙嗪和胃复安不到最佳有效和与副作用。联合,5-HT3受体拮抗剂作为枢复宁,是一种安全有效的止吐剂广泛用于肿瘤学和术后病人。我们评估的影响止吐剂联合与安慰剂患者呕吐的临床结果在儿科急诊肠胃炎。方法:这是一个随机、前瞻性、双盲临床试验在大学附属儿童医院的急救室。孩子年龄在6个月和12年呕吐在前24小时内至少5次被随机分配接受口服联合或味道,跟安慰剂。口服补液开始15分钟后在5毫升/分钟/标准口服补液协议。患者出院后无效,继续在家标准口服补液的介绍香蕉、米饭、苹果酱,和烤面包(顽童)饮食后第一个24小时。任何需要承认的病人被认为是治疗失败,也没有进一步的剂量。出院病人被给予5使用额外的剂量每8小时,他们通过电话联系了24和48小时后放电记录集的数量的呕吐和腹泻。父母也必须完成日记相同的信息,这是寄给调查人员电话确认的数据。 RESULTS: One hundred forty-five patients were enrolled, of whom 51% (n=74) were randomized to ondansetron. At baseline, age distribution, sex, and severity of illness did not differ between the ondansetron and placebo groups. During the observation period in the ED, the median number of episodes of vomiting was 0 in both groups, but the rank sum of vomiting episodes was significantly lower in the ondansetron group (P =.001). The number of episodes of emesis in the ED after enrollment ranged from 0 to 7 in the placebo group and 0 to 2 in the ondansetron group. During the 48 hours of follow-up, the median number of episodes of vomiting remained 0, with no statistically significant difference between the groups. There was no statistically significant difference in the rank sum of episodes of diarrhea in the ED between the groups (P =.622); however, during the next 48 hours, the patients in the ondansetron group had significantly more diarrhea than the placebo group. A lower proportion of patients receiving ondansetron compared with placebo required intravenous fluid therapy (P =.015). The admission rate was also lower in patients receiving ondansetron (P =.007). The revisit rate was higher in the ondansetron group compared with the placebo group (P =.047). CONCLUSION: Ondansetron was effective in reducing the emesis from gastroenteritis during the ED phase of oral rehydration and in lowering the rates of intravenous fluid administration and hospital admission.


药物 目标 生物 药理作用 行动
联合 5 -羟色胺受体3 蛋白质 人类