IL-4在人自然杀伤细胞增殖分化中的作用。il -4依赖性和il -2依赖性自然杀伤细胞克隆的研究。



K早川,MA萨尔梅隆,Kornbluth J, Bucana C, Itoh K

IL-4在人自然杀伤细胞增殖分化中的作用。il -4依赖性和il -2依赖性自然杀伤细胞克隆的研究。


PubMed ID
1900882 (PubMed视图

利用新近建立的IL-4依赖性NK细胞克隆(IL4d-NK细胞)和来自亲本条件培养基依赖性NK细胞克隆(CM-NK细胞)的il -2依赖性NK细胞克隆(IL2d-NK细胞)亚系研究了IL-4在人NK细胞增殖和分化中的作用。IL-4可提高CM-NK细胞的增殖能力,但降低NK细胞的NK活性,降低CD16和CD56 Ag的表达。相反,IL-2诱导NK活性升高,CD16和CD56 Ag表达增加。在CM-NK细胞培养中加入抗il -4抗体可抑制细胞增殖,但NK活性略有提高,CD56 Ag表达量大幅增加。在CM- nk细胞培养中加入抗il -2抗体可抑制细胞增殖和细胞毒性。IL4d-NK细胞完全依赖rIL-4,其增殖能力高于IL2d-NK细胞,而IL2d-NK细胞的增殖能力高于亲本CM-NK细胞。从形态上看,IL4d-NK细胞小而圆,而IL2d-NK细胞大而细长。抗il -4抗体对IL4d-NK细胞增殖有抑制作用,但对IL2d-NK细胞增殖无抑制作用;抗il -2抗体对IL2d-NK细胞增殖无抑制作用。IL-2在IL4d-NK细胞上清液中未检测到,IL-2 mrna在IL4d-NK细胞中也未表达。相比之下,在IL4d-和IL2d-NK细胞中检测到ifn - γ的产生和蛋白表达。 NK cell activation markers (CD16 and CD56) were expressed on IL2d-NK cells but not IL4d-NK cells. IL4d-NK cells were not cytotoxic to any tumor cells tested, whereas IL2d-NK cells displayed potent NK activity and lymphokine-activated killer activity. IL4d-NK cells failed to bind K562 tumor cells, whereas one-third of the IL2d-NK cells did. IL4d-NK cells responded to rIL-2, proliferated, and differentiated into cytotoxic NK cells, whereas IL2d-NK cells failed to respond to rIL-4 and died. These results raise a possibility that IL4d-NK cells or IL2d-NK cells primarily represent the immunologic properties of immature or activated types of human NK cells, respectively. Our results provide the first evidence of the capability of IL-4 to support continuous proliferation of a lymphocyte clone with immature NK cell characteristics and to stimulate IFN-gamma production in the clone. IL-4 is suggested as a potential growth factor for certain types of human NK cell progenitors.


药物 目标 种类 生物 药理作用 行动
Daclizumab 低亲和力免疫球蛋白γ Fc区受体III-B 蛋白质 人类
不可用 细节