互补DNA和蛋白质序列ethanol-inducible老鼠和人类细胞色素p - 450。鼠转录和转录后调节酶。



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互补DNA和蛋白质序列ethanol-inducible老鼠和人类细胞色素p - 450。鼠转录和转录后调节酶。

生物化学杂志。1986年12月15日;261 (35):16689 - 97。

PubMed ID
3782137 (在PubMed

互补编码ethanol-inducible形式的老鼠和人类细胞色素p - 450 s被孤立,测序,用于研究细胞色素p - 450的表达在开发过程中,各种诱导代理人。多克隆抗体对ethanol-inducible细胞色素p - 450用于屏幕老鼠和人类λgt11 cDNA表达库。最长的互补从每个库完全测序,获得和推导氨基酸序列鼠cDNA发现对应P450j基于出版伴序列。老鼠和人类细胞色素p - 450含493个氨基酸和计算的分子质量56634 - 56916道尔顿,分别。人类P450j共享75%的核苷酸和78%的氨基酸相似性各自的同源鼠cDNA,推导出的氨基酸序列。氨基酸排列还透露,P450j P450b和P450e 48%相似,主要phenobarbital-inducible形式,和54%类似P450PB1 P450f,两个发育调节形式。老鼠和人类基因组dna印迹分析验证,只有一个基因与P450j分享广泛的同源性。P450j被发现的表达发育监管。没有immunodetectable蛋白质或P450j mRNA在新生大鼠;然而,快速增加P450j信使rna和蛋白质发生在出生后1周在雄性和雌性大鼠。 The levels of P450j and its mRNA thereafter remained elevated up to 12 weeks of age in both sexes. The increases in both P450j and its mRNA paralleled the change in aniline hydroxylase activity during development. Run-on transcriptional analysis confirmed that these increases were due to transcriptional activation of the P450j gene. In contrast to transcriptional activation during development, induction of P450j by various agents such as pyrazole, 4-methylpyrazole, and acetone might be due to post-transcriptional events. A 4-fold elevation in both enzymatic activity and immunodetectable P450j was not accompanied by an increase in P450j mRNA level.


的名字 UniProt ID
细胞色素P450 2 e1 P05181 细节