


拉曼JD, Schlegel PN


2月杂志。2002;167 (2 Pt 1): 624 - 9。

PubMed ID
11792932 (在PubMed

目的:Testosterone-to-estradiol不育男性比率水平提高与芳香化酶抑制剂治疗期间,睾内酯,导致精液参数的变化。我们评估阿那曲唑的影响,更有选择性芳香化酶抑制剂,不育男性的荷尔蒙和精液异常基线testosterone-to-estradiol比率。材料与方法:140临界正常值男人testosterone-to-estradiol比率异常的患者接受100到200毫克。日常或1毫克睾内酯。每天阿那曲唑。睾丸激素的变化,雌二醇,testosterone-to-estradiol比率和精液参数在治疗进行评估。肥胖的影响,Klinefelter综合症的诊断,精索静脉曲张的精索静脉曲张和/或历史的修复治疗结果进行了研究。结果:男性睾内酯治疗期间testosterone-to-estradiol比率的增加治疗(平均5.3±平均数标准误差+ / - 0.2和12.4 + / - 1.1,p < 0.001)。这种变化被证实与Klinefelter综合症,子组的男性精索静脉曲张的历史维修和精索静脉曲张。总共12 oligospermic男性精液分析之前和期间睾内酯治疗精子浓度的增加(5.5与每毫升1120万精子,p < 0.01),运动(14.7%比21.0%,p < 0.05),形态学(6.5%比12.8%,p = 0.05),和运动性指数(分别为606.3和16.852亿活动精子射精,p < 0.05)赞赏。 During anastrozole treatment, similar changes in the testosterone-to-estradiol ratios were seen (7.2 +/- 0.3 versus 18.1 +/- 1.0, respectively, p <0.001). This improvement of hormonal parameters was noted for all subgroups except those patients with the Klinefelter syndrome. A total of 25 oligospermic men with semen analysis before and during anastrozole treatment had an increase in semen volume (2.9 versus 3.5 ml., p <0.05), sperm concentration (5.5 versus 15.6 million sperm per ml., p <0.001) and motility index (832.8 versus 2930.8 million motile sperm per ejaculate, respectively, p <0.005). These changes were similar to those observed in men treated with testolactone. No significant difference in serum testosterone levels during treatment with testolactone and anastrozole was observed. However, the anastrozole treatment group did have a statistically better improvement of serum estradiol concentration and testosterone-to-estradiol ratios (p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Men who are infertile with a low serum testosterone-to-estradiol ratio can be treated with an aromatase inhibitor. With treatment, an increase in testosterone-to-estradiol ratio occurred in association with increased semen parameters. Anastrozole and testolactone have similar effects on hormonal profiles and semen analysis. Anastrazole appears to be at least as effective as testolactone for treating men with abnormal testosterone-to-estradiol ratios, except for the subset with the Klinefelter syndrome, who appeared to be more effectively treated with testolactone.


药物 目标 生物 药理作用 行动
睾内酯 细胞色素P450 19 a1 蛋白质 人类