


Zapatero-Caballero H, Sanchez-Franco F, Guerra-Perez N, Fernandez-Mendez C, Fernandez-Vazquez G


天线转换开关杂志。2003;68 (5):1764 - 70。Epub 2002年12月11日。

PubMed ID
12606421 (在PubMed

激性腺素释放素受体(GnRH-R)的适当表达gonadotropes对促性腺激素信号至关重要,因此对促性腺激素分泌和性发展。在目前的工作中,我们研究了稳态GnRH-R mRNA水平的个体发生脑垂体后55天5天的雄性老鼠,当达到性成熟。促性腺激素的发展变化单元(α,FSHbeta和LHbeta) mRNA水平也被评估。此外,角色的内源性促性腺成熟的变化GnRH-R和促性腺激素亚基基因表达研究。信使RNA水平由北部污点分析前脑垂体后的总RNA。含量最丰富的(5.0 kb) GnRH-R mRNA增加缓慢从第五天到幼儿和青少年时期,将达到峰值,35天(与第五天的12倍)。此后,GnRH-R mRNA的水平稍微下降,直到一天55(下降33%和35天)。平行变化观察4.5 kb GnRH-R基因的转录。α亚基mRNA在第五天很容易就发现,和它的水平逐渐增加在婴儿时期(增加2.5倍)和峰值在25天(3.3倍的增长与第五天)和一个平滑的增高无统计学意义增量,直到35天;然后在55天下降了41.5%。FSHbeta LHbeta mRNA水平上升缓慢,直到天25。 A sharp rise occurred thereafter to reach maximum levels at Day 35 (5.8-fold for FSHbeta and 3.8-fold for LHbeta vs. Day 25). Thereafter, the levels of both mRNAs fell until Day 55 (44.1% decrease for FSHbeta and 37.1% decrease for LHbeta vs. Day 35). To ascertain whether developmental activation of the GnRH-R and gonadotropin subunit gene expression is GnRH dependent, we have studied the effect of blocking the endogenous GnRH action by treating developing male rats with the specific GnRH antagonist cetrorelix (1.5 mg/kg body weight/week, s.c.) through the infantile (Days 5-20) and the juvenile periods (Days 20-35). Cetrorelix completely blocked the rise of levels of the two most abundant species, 5.0 kb and 4.5 kb, of the GnRH-R mRNA, during both the infantile and the juvenile periods. Cetrorelix also abolished the developmental rise of the gonadotropin beta subunit mRNAs during the two periods of the study. In contrast, the alpha subunit gene expression was not altered by cetrorelix treatment during any of the two periods. These data demonstrate that sexual maturation of male rats is accompanied by a progressive and concerted induction of GnRH-R and gonadotropin subunit gene expression. Developmental activation of GnRH-R and gonadotropin beta subunit genes is GnRH dependent. The apparent GnRH-independent regulation of the alpha-glycoprotein subunit mRNA levels may be due to the contribution of thyrotropes and perhaps to the presence of exclusive regulatory signals for this gene.


药物 目标 生物 药理作用 行动
Cetrorelix 促性腺激素释放激素受体 蛋白质 人类