Follitropin alpha在不孕症中的应用综述。



Goa KL, Wagstaff AJ

Follitropin alpha在不孕症中的应用综述。

BioDrugs。1998年3月,9(3):235 - 60。

PubMed ID
18020563 (PubMed视图

促卵泡激素(重组人促卵泡激素;follitropin)是促卵泡激素(FSH)的重组形式,是一种内源性促性腺激素。不同于从尿液中提取的卵泡刺激素产品[menotropin(人类绝经期促性腺激素),尿促卵泡激素和高纯度尿促卵泡激素],卵泡激素易于获得,并显示批次与批次的一致性。此外,它是免费的黄体生成素(LH)活性和污染尿蛋白,可以自我管理皮下。在接受体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)的女性中,卵泡激素α似乎比尿源性卵泡刺激素产品对卵泡发育有更大的刺激作用。在直接比较中,它与尿卵泡激素有相似的效果,但每个刺激周期产生的卵母细胞比高纯度的尿卵泡激素和menotropin更多。一项小型试验的初步结果表明,follitropin α和follitropin β的疗效相似。所有治疗组的怀孕率、活产率和多胞胎率相似。在对氯米芬耐药的世卫组织II组无排卵的妇女诱导排卵时,促卵泡激素α产生的排卵率、卵泡发育和妊娠率与尿卵泡激素或高纯度尿卵泡激素相似。与传统的α -卵泡素或尿卵泡素方案相比,长期低剂量的α -卵泡素方案与卵泡数量减少和多胞胎数量减少的趋势相关。 Data from women with WHO group I anovulation and from infertile men are scant. Tolerability has not differed between follitropin alpha and other FSH products. The incidence of general events (e.g. headache, nausea, ovarian cyst), local irritations at injection site and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome resembled those for comparator FSH products. However, it appears that follitropin alpha can be tolerated in instances of severe allergic reaction to urine-derived products. CONCLUSIONS: In women undergoing IVF-ET, follitropin alpha appears to have a greater stimulatory effect on follicle development than urine-derived FSH products as a group and is at least as well tolerated as these preparations; preliminary data indicate similar efficacy to follitropin beta. At present, its efficacy in women with WHO group II anovulation disorder has been shown to be similar to that of the older products. Compared with urinary FSH products, the benefits of follitropin alpha lie in its reliable supply, consistency of production, lack of contaminant urinary proteins and ease of self-administration. Given these practical advantages, and the apparently greater effect on follicular development overall in women undergoing IVF-ET, recombinant products such as follitropin alpha are expected to eventually replace older urine-derived FSH preparations and claim a prominent position in the treatment of infertility.


药物 目标 种类 生物 药理作用 行动
Follitropin 促卵泡激素受体 蛋白质 人类